The spirit of Open Streets 704 events is unique, community driven, and open to all. It’s about health, recreation, exploration, diversity, mobility, and FUN! In order to preserve that important spirit, we’ve established the following guidelines for participation in Open Streets 704 events.
Open Streets 704 is free and open to everyone! Car-free streets, if only for the afternoon, give us all an opportunity to enjoy the connectivity that roads provide, but in a more healthful, carefree, and social atmosphere. Everyone is invited to bring friends and family, and participate in the fun. No matter how you choose to participate – on foot, bike, rollerblades, pogo stick, etc. – please be aware of your surroundings. Move slowly along crowded portions of the route and keep an eye out for children, dogs, cyclists, and strollers. There’s plenty of space for everyone if we all watch out for each other!
Individuals may also host an activity along the route! Details are provided in the Activity Host sign-up form. Also see the “Activity Host Guidelines” section below.
Open Streets 704 events are different from typical street festivals. Businesses and organizations are encouraged to join in the fun by embracing the mission of Open Streets 704 and hosting a fun activity along the route. ANYONE can get a spot on the route. The cost depends on your entity type and your proposed activities. For most businesses/organizations, simply hosting an activity is the “price of admission” to have a presence on an Open Streets 704 route. Details are provided in the Activity Host sign-up form. Also see the “Activity Host Guidelines” section below.
Businesses along the Route
Businesses along the route can opt to have their own programming on their private properties. In those cases we encourage you to contact the Open Streets 704 team so we can promote your programming as part of the event and ensure a safe, friendly and well-coordinated environment. The Open Streets 704 team can also give you suggestions as to the types of activities that are popular, as well as give you an idea as to what will be happening around you.
The other way your business or organization can participate is by sponsoring an Open Streets 704 event. There are a number of ways to sponsor with a wide range of promotional benefits. If your business or organization is interested in sponsoring an Open Streets 704 event, please contact Eleanor Shell at
Food Vendors/Trucks
Food sales will be limited to a certain number of vendors/trucks and to specific areas of the event route, as directed by the Open Streets 704 team. All food vendors/trucks must have the requisite permits/approvals from applicable city and county agencies (i.e. the Mecklenburg County Health Department). The vendor fee is $150. Food vendors/trucks interested in participating should fill out the Food Vendor Application.
Demonstrations & Political Campaigns
Because Open Streets 704 is held within the public right-of-way, we cannot prevent demonstrations and political campaigning from occurring. However, campaigning for specific political issues or candidates is not a part of the intended spirit of Open Streets 704 events. We strongly discourage groups and individuals from attempting to turn Open Streets 704 events into a political platform and distracting from the fun.
The only kind of statement that Open Streets 704 events are intended to make is that streets are for people – ALL PEOPLE, no matter how old they are, what they look like, where they live, or how they choose to travel!
Activity Host Guidelines
Individuals, businesses, and organizations may host an activity along the route! An activity can be almost anything that encourages people to be active and meet their neighbors – sack races, chalk art, dancing, bicycle rodeos, etc. Have fun! Engage people! Think about ways to get people moving and interacting with one another.
The following guidelines apply to all individuals, businesses, and organizations hosting activities as part of an Open Streets 704 event.
- If you would like to host an activity as part of an Open Streets 704 event, you must apply at least 3 weeks prior to the scheduled event so we can promote your activity on our website and assign you a spot on the route.
- The Open Streets 704 team will direct all confirmed activity hosts to a designated location on the street (A business already located along route will be able to use the street space adjacent to their business location).
- Confirmed activity hosts are responsible for providing all equipment required for their activity (including tables, chairs, tents, finding access to a power source if required, etc.).
- Activities that use tents or amplified sound may require additional approvals, as directed by the Open Streets 704 team.
- Each Activity Host may have one 10-foot by 10-foot (or smaller) tent. Larger tents, or multiple tents, may be allowed for Activity Hosts who are also Open Streets 704 Sponsors.
- The use of branded vehicles (cars/trucks/vans), large freestanding banners/signage, or other displays for the purposes of advertising and/or marketing the Activity Host’s business/organization will not permitted unless the Activity Host is also an Open Streets 704 Sponsor. This does not include one branded 10-foot by 10-foot (or smaller) tent per Activity Host.
- Generally, the schedule for Open Streets 704 events includes an hour before and after the event for activity hosts to set-up and tear-down in the street. The street will be closed to motorized traffic (cars, trucks, etc.) from precisely the advertised set-up time to precisely the advertised end time. You may bring your equipment by car/truck during the set-up window, but please be sure to have your motorized vehicle off the event street(s) before the event start time. You will not be allowed on the event street(s) with your motorized vehicle again until after the event ends and the tear-down period begins. You must have all of your equipment off the street by the event end time.
- On the day of the event only, you may store/ stage equipment in the adjacent planting strip before and after the advertised set-up and tear-down time. All equipment must be removed from the planting strip by 8pm on the day of the event. Sidewalks must be kept free and clear during the event, and remain passable before and after the event.
- The Open Streets 704 route must maintain one clear lane, or at least 14 feet, at all times during the event. When setting up, please allow space for participants to move around your activity and not interfere with the clear lane requirement.
- Open Streets 704 is a health-focused event, so we do not allow any programs that promote the use of or include tobacco products.
- Alcohol is not permitted in the public right-of-way at any Open Streets 704 route. Businesses along the corridor may apply for separate licensing to serve alcohol (e.g., a beer garden) on private property.
- The Open Streets 704 team reserves the right to not provide space on the street at an Open Streets 704 event for organizations, businesses, or individuals for any reason.
Thank you!